Vrijwilligers / Stagiaires


Studenten “Social Work” die geïnteresseerd zijn in een buitenland stage bij het Joshua Project – Jeffrey’s Bay of – Humansdorp zijn welkom om een email met motivatie te sturen naar volunteer@joshuaproject.nl.

Vrijwilliger worden op het Joshua Project in Jeffrey’s-Bay of Humansdorp? Stuur dan een email naar volunteer@joshuaproject.nl, of download dit formulier , vul het in en stuur het ingevulde, ondertekende bestand op naar volunteer@joshuaproject.nl .


Volunteers and Students are temporary assistants who volunteer their service to the Joshua Project and are under direct supervision of the managers. These temporary Team Members must adhere to the same policies, rules, and code of conduct as permanent Team Members.

Requirements for Volunteers and Students:
Must be at least 18 years of age.
Must be a professed committed Christian with a servant’s heart.
Must be willing to fulfill any task requested (within reasonable boundaries).

Length of Service:
A minimum of 6 weeks is required to serve as an assistant for bigger groups in the Educare Afternoon program or with maintenance needs.
3 Months or more is required for Volunteers with a desire to assist the Educare Morning program.

3 months or more is required for Volunteers with a desire to assist the Educare Afternoon program within a small group setting.
3 months or more is required for Students as well.

Volunteers serving longer than a 3 month period will be considered able to be given more responsibility based on length of commitment/service.

Volunteer’s Participation in General Meetings
Suggestions and recommendations are welcome.

Application Procedure The application process takes place via the internet, by letter of application or by means of a personal interview.
Applications are presented to the Team at the General Meeting by the Human Resources Manager.
A period of 2 weeks is allocated for pray and consideration regarding the acceptance of the applicant.
When a decision has been made, the Human Resources Manager will communicate this to the applicant.   
In the case that an application is accepted, the Human Resources Manager will then initiate the next step of the volunteering procedure.

Applicable Fees Payable to the Joshua Project:
These fees are an amount agreed upon by the Human Resources Manager, Financial Officer and Project Manager as well as Joshua Project’s Board of Directors and are for the purpose of covering costs of internet usage, transport to and from the airport and the Home Affairs office for the purpose of arranging visas.

Holidays and Leave of Absence:
Leaves of absence will be considered for Volunteers serving for a continued period of more than 3 months. Approval of request for leave will be made by the Human Resources Manager in confirmation with Project Manager. A maximum of 3 weeks can be requested depending on length of service.

Receiving Funds from an Outside source:
Notify a Manager to handle this.

Code of Conduct:
All Volunteers are required to dress in an appropriate manner that is sensitive to our ministry positions.  (i.e. no revealing tops, sagging pants, or obscene signage.  The specifics of these guidelines are at the discretion of the Management Team.) As stated above, all Volunteers and Students are required to submit to Joshua Project’s Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct must be read, understood and signed to verify the Volunteer/Student’s willingness to adhere to its specifications. 

Download Volunteer Application Form

Download Confidential Reference for Volunteers

Download Check List for Church – Volunteers for Joshua Project

Download Ministry Opportunities – Joshua Project